Chapter 4: Savor The Moon

Savor the moon 
As it slow dances upon your cheek 
Sweet flavor illuminated 
By still lips that don’t 
Dare speak to soon 
Words could never paint your face 
The way these lunebeams do 
A sight that my mind can’t erase 

A light pours down like rain 
Sounding on your skin like a 
Spellbound symphony 
Music too pure to write down by hand 
But oh, how it rings 
Like a bell heard from across the land 
And oh how it seems 
Though this night may not come to an end 

If I were the wind 
I would blow all my kisses your way 
And you would contend 
With a silence that you will not break 
but I will pretend 
that your listlessness will not forsake 
and I’ll savor the moon 
and prepare myself for the dawns uptake


Lyrics Analysis

For this part of the journey, the girl has been walking this path, it is still the night, but she see's the moon, the reflection and the distillation of the beauty of the past. She is in a period of mourning the unmet expectations of her heart, the longings, and offering them to the world. In the picture, you will see a heart with a music note inside. I call this shape the heart song. to me, it represents the part of each of us that is a unique expression of cosmic union through light and sound. We each have a song to sing, our heart song, and sometimes that heart song must first let go of the song of the past in order to recieve the keys of the future.


This song is about letting go of unrequited love, of unmet yearnings. to create space to cherish them, to mourn them in an expansive way, in a way where we creat spaciousness around the exprience in order to transform and distil the gifts and wisdoms of our hearts experiences.


The following worksheet is a sheet used in the compassionate communication training. It is a list of human needs and values. 


Universal Needs and Values



Choose the 10 hardest stories that weigh on your heart. Go through the list of 'needs and values' and see which need and value is not being met by the hard experience. As you have already been becoming familiar with the emotions, and how they work with the organ systems of your body, that emotional intelligence will start to inform the cultivation of needs and values. These needs or longings are considered very precious, like jewels of our humanity. If we can begin to identify what needs and values are being met or unmet in a given situation, we generate a spaciousness about the experience of it being unment and can begin to heal our heart.


-what is my heart song?

-what is my unique expression?

-What unmet expectations am I holding onto in my heart?

-What might it be like if these longings were pacified, these desires satisfied? How would the song of my heart change?

-what would it take for me to life fully from my heart? What does that mean to me?

-What needs and values do I have that are not being met?