Stark Levity
Check Out Our New Music Video for FAERIES!
About Stark Levity
Stark Levity is the whimsical faerie-folk collaboration of
minstrels Balladir (Travis Puntarelli) and Marya Stark.
Born of laughter, kinship, and a mutual love
of the debaucherous vaudevillian fae-muse.
Stay tuned for their upcoming imaginative,
world-building shinnaniguns.
‘Laughing Mama’
‘Laughing Mama’ written by Marya, is a reverent matriotic song about the Great Cosmic Yoniverse. It was written in response to reading the book ‘Wild Nights’ by David Deida, a delightfully transgressive romp into the paradoxical nature of love, eroticism and spirituality.
Featuring Original Cover Art by Adelaide Marcus.
(warning: explicit content)