Stark Levity
Check Out Our New Music Video for FAERIES!
About Stark Levity
Stark Levity is the whimsical faerie-folk collaboration of
minstrels Balladir (Travis Puntarelli) and Marya Stark.
Born of laughter, kinship, and a mutual love
of the debaucherous vaudevillian fae-muse.
Stay tuned for their upcoming imaginative,
world-building shinnaniguns.
’Faeries’, our Bardic Fae Bohemian Rhapsody is out at long last.
It’s rare for a song to possess me in the way this one has. This song yoked me to it and invoked me on its birthing ride. It’s one of my favorite things to have had a hand in producing and arranging.
We have been singing this tune for over a decade and gently nursing this recording of it for 6 years.
Through many twists and turns, it is born on todays full moon in October, and I am overjoyed to share it.
‘Laughing Mama’
‘Laughing Mama’ written by Marya, is a reverent matriotic song about the Great Cosmic Yoniverse. It was written in response to reading the book ‘Wild Nights’ by David Deida, a delightfully transgressive romp into the paradoxical nature of love, eroticism and spirituality.
Featuring Original Cover Art by Adelaide Marcus.
(warning: explicit content)