photo- julia miho nakamura
It starts as a whisper
A voice peaking out
From beneath the cloak
Of invisibility
Of hush hushed
Of too vulnerable
Of not appropriate to say
theses things
No one wants to hear this story
Its not safe to speak....
And yet
She persists
In the pursuit of her freedom
Of the ecstatic Union of spheres
The Yoniverse un-spelling years
of broken song
Laying down fears
resolving the words
That live in the folds
Of pink flesh
Fire waters of truth
Pulsing in the floods
of what was unmourned
her magnetism returns
Her light reborn
now spun into ribbons of truth
For the telling
Jewels for the altar
of reclamation
Where the hearts of the village
have gathered together
To listen
To feel
To reimagine
What's possible
And here
the once silenced voices
the suffocated stories
As the essence
of she who eats lightning
written for the Yoniverse Monologues