
Some days

I forget for a moment
About the interconnected wonder garden living within me and around me

Some days

I work hard to train myself out of believing every little thing my mind says, a devotee in the practice of construct awareness- lest I be fooled by delusions appearing as narcissistic vanity grasping and savioristic trauma bonds.

Some days

I miss the little hints- winks of serendipity that might flutter hummingbird style over to my willowing heart, thirsty to sip of sugar water, opening from the mists of ever present wonder

Some days it hits me out of the blue, an un-ignorable jolt from the subterranean mother god, lovingly roaring in my blood - that I would not fall into the habit of deconstructing every miracle that arises in my dreaming body, such that I would miss the gift of having a body at all

Some days

The presence of synchronicity shakes me from getting too comfortable thinking I know how it is, worlds upon worlds, time collapsing into petals blowing off the cherry blossom tree- kissing me back into lucid communion with springs tender growth- whether or not I understand the complexities of nuances abound

Some days

It’s more than I can bare-

This daily surrender into passionate mystical love raging through and through, the way it does every time my breath is taken away by Love showing its face through the veils, and through you.
