The Path Of The Rose Bard
A Rose Bard is a keeper of the gates between life and death. A lullaby crooner on the nights when satellites are too lazy to give light to the crevices of the dream. An ambassador of the secret whispers who illuminate the mysteries bridging the realms. One who lives, breathes, feels, and dreams deliberately and collaboratively in a dance of erotic communion with all of life.
A Rose Bard is a Devotee of the Creative Spark. In a sacred covenent with the muses of discovery and exploration. To unfolding the gift of one’s innate genius and aliveness as an act of truth. Learned in the ways of the storytellers, the passers of wisdom sigils between allies in neighboring lineages, the doulas of mtyhos, the midwives to magic.
A Rose Bard is wise in the ways of the bud and the thorn, the cycles of blooming and decay. Refiner of speech light. A rhapsodist of canticals for the ectstatic. The sacred and profane. A holder of the paradox. An advocate of the emergent.
A Rose Bard is a poet, medicine maker, artist, womb temple enthusiast. Steward of the Revered. Courter of the Muse. Dancer through the Veils. Student of the Sage. Learner of the inside jokes between the shadows of falling stars and the moon. Decoder of the Debaucherous. A Mortar and Pestle Mind Magi. A Lead into Gold Spinner of invisible Threads that weave the fabric of the great dream.
We are the path-layers of the petals for the ones who walk before, the ones who are to come, the ones who stop to smell what life is truly made of. Ancestral melody keepers. Inner alchemy sonograms recorders. Rememberers of the songs before time. Rhyme Benders. Elemental Undulators. Tap-dancers on prophetic diamonds. Tenders of the Fire in the Ruby.
Burning Ash Bloomers.
Poutpouri collectors.
Velvet Petal Inscribers.
Satin Womb Bone Dreamers.
Sounders of the Tone inside the Tone.